Interview Tips
A no bull guide to interview prep
Preparing for your interview
- Confirm that you will be attending the interview.
- Where is the interview going to be held? – If you don’t know where it is, go and find out – a dummy run can be a life saver and help you to arrive cool, calm and collected!
- Arrive without excess baggage physical or psychological. Make sure your mind is clear and you are in a positive frame of mind.
- Ensure you are fully prepped on the details of the job, highlight all the key areas of the role and think through your relevant experience and how it matches their requirements.
- This is your opportunity to find out about the employer and the job and vice versa.
- Fact finding is the name of the game here, check out the website and social media, look for any news articles profiling your potential new employer, research what they do and who their key players are.
- Check LinkedIn for your interviewer(s), look at their career profiles and see how they have progressed.
- View LinkedIn again for other employees of the business here, you can check out their career with the business and if you may know anyone.
The importance of a first impression
- Whatever you do, don’t forget to switch off your mobile before you go into the building – It’s surprising that an attack of nerves will make many people forget this.
- What will you wear? What is the company dress code? Check this out but smart and comfortable is always advisable in the first instance.
- Acknowledge people that acknowledge you, e.g. reception, security – it will relax you.
- General chit chat – this is a difficult one – when the interviewer greets you have a think beforehand what you can talk about before the formal start of the interview popular topics are weather, journey, maybe the office décor, parking etc. just something to break the ice.
- Just relax and be yourself – you are there because your CV ticked the boxes skills wise. This is your chance to shine and build a really good relationship with your interviewer.
The importance of a lasting impression
- Remember to email the interviewer thanking them for their time – it’s amazing how many candidates do not think to do this!
The more prepared you are for an interview, the more confidence you will have!
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